Empower Yourself
Discover The Hero Within You

I come into this work, from my own challenges, my own heartbreaks, my own traumas…
There have been many periods of my life where I did not know the way. Where I was lost, deeply disconnected from myself, and at times, when I did not want to live in the life that I had (mis)created, from following the thinking mind and the dictates and agendas of all of those around me.
About 12 years ago, as I finally sat in the truth of the catastrophe of my own life, which included a severely abusive marriage, an extremely traumatic childhood, breast cancer, and a lack of a career, I started the journey within.
I went into my own truths (sometimes brutal truths); I went into my own deepest uncomfortable feelings; I went into my own internal guidance; and, I went into my own self love.
These became the MEDICINE.
These became THE LIGHT.
These became THE WAY FORWARD.
This is what I want for you, too.
Sharing this MEDICINE is my purpose on this planet.
In terms of my more formal background, I am an Ivy-League-educated licensed doctor of psychotherapy, with two master’s degrees. I bring a high level of clinical training, and as a certified hypnotherapist, certified yoga teacher, Reiki master, and ordained Shamanic minister, I bring in diverse powerful modalities to healing and the expansion of our consciousness. I also draw from my experiences of living for years in sacred sites throughout Asia.
I have become a leading worldwide expert in helping individuals make uniquely transformative shifts in their lives – on the mental, emotional, physical, and subconscious levels. And from working on all of these levels, I am able to help clients quickly achieve permanent life-changing results. Common feedback I hear is, “I have received more help from you than in years of other types of therapy/inner work.”
I have been featured in publications such as Best Self, Marie Claire, and People Magazine, and I am one of the spiritual teachers featured in Dr. Joe Vitale’s movie, Zero Limits. I am the founder of the You Are Your Own Hero community, the author of numerous courses, a guided meditation album, and several books. I have two daughters, a son, two Australian Shepherds, and a tabby cat, and I live in the soulful city of Nashville, Tennessee.
But beyond my “professional” credentials, it is me having walked this path myself that helps me be as effective as I am.
I help people remember who they are and all that they can be, do, and have.
To all of your dreams, every single one!
With love and infinite blessings,
Dr. Tassel Faith Shanebrook
Visionary & Founder, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HERO
Discover your true empowered self and all that you can be, do, and have.
Conscious Living
Explore how to live more mindfully and improve your overall wellness – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Come together in solidarity with like-minded sisters and brothers in our community.